Monday, June 04, 2012

We need not be against the modern world

Mythology as well as gnosticism, the great religions, and much of modern psychology believe that the final truths are located in the depths of the Soul. But this is where half the truth resides, the other half exists beyond the Soul at the zenith of evolution, when Godhood is attained.

Rational religion based on science can enter the world, as it has been trying to do since at least the Enlightenment, but it should not replace priestcraft, it should work with and synthesize priestcraft. The Inward Path needs to be folded into the Outward Path.

Nietzsche's “eternal recurrence” does more or less occur, but that is not all that occurs, life also evolves to Godhood, while entropic life does fall back, but life has a recurring chance at evolving to Godhood. One is therefore not a hero only for hero's sake in a hopeless recurring world, as in Nietzsche, one is a hero in the mission of evolution to Godhood, a cause greater than eternal recurrence.

We need not be against the modern world, as is the Traditionalist School, gnostic psychology and existentialist philosophy, the modern scientific world can help us in evolving to Godhood in the cosmos, the Godhood first seen in the Inward Path to the Soul.

This defines the mission of the Twofold Path.

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