Friday, June 01, 2012

Realistic Conservative Change

The thing I like about conservatism is how it can bring steady pressure for change, carrying the past forward, rather than barbarous revolutionary change. It adapts the pleasure principle rather than swimming in it. This is realistic and societies require realists to survive over the hard times.

The intelligent, beautiful and good tend to lead, and both culture and genetics lag behind, with many followers, catching up.  But the catching up has been a totally chance thing in adaptation, and studies show that the brilliant are becoming less frequent, which means that innovation declines. Rather than waiting for random chance, which is fine and natural, we can also rationally, conservatively, and voluntarily, move to circumvent the decline both culturally and genetically.  This is real humaneness and prevention of suffering in action.

The Twofold Path synthesizes Darwin and the Bible, the great book of nature can lead life to evolve to the Godhood first seen inwardly in the great book of the Bible. We are evolving toward supreme intelligence, beauty, and goodness, which is Godhood. Change using steady pressure and not revolution is the conservative way to evolve.

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