Friday, June 15, 2012

The Basic Dynamic of Evolutionary Therapy

Raymond Cattell was probably right in seeing how psychotherapy came to regard guilt as evil, and tried to cure neurosis by whittling away the superego to “harmless” levels, which incidentally, led to the permissiveness of the last midcentury. Cattell would have the ego control guilt rather than repress it. But Cattell did confirm Freud's ego and superego controlling mans instinctive id, and Cattell extended this with empirical studies in Multivariate Psychology to find two things almost as important: self-sentiment and guilt-proneness.

My proposal of Evolutionary Therapy sees a slightly different dynamic related to religion, while accepting the basic structure of Freud and Cattell. Deep in the instinctive id is the most sacred Spirit-Will-To-Godhood that activates life which is then shaped by evolution. It is this Sacred Instinct that must be synthesized by the ego and superego, and certainly not suppressed, repressed or ignored, although it cannot really be ignored since it essentially defines life itself.

The Soul or the Father Within is that which necessarily suppresses the ego, superego, id and Spirit-Will in order to attain the bliss of desirelessness which is equated with God in the great religions. This is accomplished at the Zenith of the Mind. Whereas the Spirit-Will activates life at the Zenith of the Soul, as the Zenith of the Instincts. The Spirit-Will seeks the desirelessness which comes from attaining the supreme material desire of evolving to Godhood, and not the mirror of this from suppressing all desire in the Soul.  The Twofold Path in the Theoevolutionary Church defines the two paths of the Soul and Spirit-Will.  Individuals and culture then seek to harmonize with this dynamic, which can lead to Revitalized Conservatism and Ordered Evolution.

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