Thursday, June 14, 2012

The European Union is falling apart because it wrongly defined human nature

The European Union is falling apart in direct correlation to how it has wrongly defined human nature. The central concern should have been to protect the independence and variety of states and nations, with some sort of light but protecting federalism.  They should not have attempted quixotic, socialist, world sameness, or global capitalist egoism.

Social and political actions rise and fall or limp along in direct relation to how the society defines human nature. The closer society harmonizes with real human nature the healthier society is, the better it functions, and the longer it lasts.

When George Soros said that the Euro-zone crises is not a financial but a political crisis, he was defining the problem from a global capitalist view of human nature, that is, human nature as being money-centered and ego-centered, as Ayn Rand defined human nature. But the Euro-zone is falling apart because people are not the same, states are different from one another, people bond together in small nations, and with closer group-selection, as many years of study and research in sociobiology has told us, and as human history has taught us time and again.

Human nature suggests that Economic Nationalism is the golden mean. Small states need to be protected in their independence and variety and not forced together into impossible configurations.  China would have been smarter to emulate some version of the original American Constitution than to allow itself to move from the entrapment of communism to the entrapment of global capitalism.The American founders set up a balanced system of independent states, with free enterprise and economic nationalism, protected by a light federalism, but this system has been slowly corrupted. We need to return to the original system.

But it will probably be a painful transition. Global capitalism will try to hold their global business ventures together for the few individuals who mainly benefit from it, or the socialists will again demand that people be all the same, or the extremists will insist on the superiority of one over all others. None of these worldviews are based in a workable way to harmonize with real human nature.

The sooner Europe, Asia and America affirm, or reaffirm, small states with free enterprise and economic nationalism, protected by an overall light federalism, the healthier things will be. And the protection needs to center on the independence and variety of small states and nations. People will always yearn to be as human nature decrees.

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