Thursday, March 01, 2012

Political realism and religion

I admire the political realism as first describes by Thucydides.  But alone, on its own, political realism is like power for the sake of power, a truncated philosophy.

Political realism is another phrase for power politics, which puts military protection and the political security of a nation over ideology, morals or social structures.

In the West, banking and global corporations have tended to use political realism and the military as their vehicle to power, contrasted with other value systems, such as the idealism of modern liberalism. The military in the West is usually ruled by “democratic” political leadership with their agendas.

I think political realism needs to be attached to evolutionary religion. A people and a nation who are surviving and reproducing successful are doing so for a larger more sacred reason than mere survival. The evolution of mankind is advancing toward Godhood, not mere survival, and political realism needs to be attached to this sacred goal. 

This points to a political realism less present-time-provincial, less imperialistic in its cultural ethos, suggesting a  world of thousands of small, largely independent states, or ethnostates, protected by a partially symbiotic light federalism.

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