Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Conservatism of Progress

Classical conservatives don't much like the idea of “progress” mainly because traditional religion tells them that humans have limited and finite powers and intelligence, reason is downplayed in being able to solve problems. But it is not the liberal desire to master the world that is the problem, it is how liberals want to manage the world that is the problem: universal equality, globalism etc.

Godhood is arrived at through material-supermaterial evolution and this requires a conservatism that believes in progress, a conservatism which understands that decentralization and localism offer the stability necessary for long-term evolution to take place.  This calls for a Revitalized Conservatism.

Evolution is like the wind, sometimes it blows in opposite directions even as evolution is generally flowing in the direction of evolution to Godhood, that is, toward eternal representation, the ultimate and logical goal of survival and reproduction. Our sacred mission is to set our sails in the steady direction of evolution, from wherever we find ourselves at the time.

We are aided in this mission by the activation of the Spirit-Will within us, which activates life to evolve to Godhood, and we need to bring life in harmony with the Spirit-Will.

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