Saturday, March 10, 2012

Divine Order and Revitalized Conservatism

There is a divine order which we must be a part of, but this order has been defined differently by different schools of religion and science.

Cultural conservatism in its classical form is concerned with what will help us live healthy lives with one another in accord with the divine order of life, applying cultural creeds and religious morals.

Divine order in the Theoevolutionary Church is defined, essentially, as the continual evolution of life to Godhood in the cosmos, and the political and cultural creeds that affirm and assist this divine order.

Each nation, each region, needs to pay attention to its patrimony, the beliefs and practices it has inherited over many centuries. In the West, in America, the American Republic came from institutions and beliefs handed down from the ancient Greeks, the Bible, the struggles for English liberty, and the struggle for American liberty.

This patrimony, this history, can be harmonized with life evolving to Godhood, with a conservatism revitalized by the naturalism of sociobiology. Our traditional and original Republic, our many states and regions can be thought of as laboratories of evolution, protected by a light federalism, as we evolve toward Godhood.

Other nations can synthesize their own patrimonies with the divine order of this religious philosophy. This Revitalized Conservatism rejects revolution and affirms Ordered Evolution.

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