Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Resolving the Tragedy: The Return to the Source

God has been thought of as beyond the “limits” of materialism, there is always this great debasing of materialism, and along with this debasing comes the Great Spiritual Blockade against material evolution to Godhood. This is a tragic theological error because it is through material and supermaterial evolution that we evolve to Godhood.

We never overcome representationalism even if we can temporarily lose all representation in the vision of the Soul. God is not beyond representation, God is the Supreme Object, whereas the Soul is the ridding of objects from the mind.

This explains the difference between the Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul Within and the Evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood.

The mind is driven to go beyond reason to intellectual intuition, and here metaphysics ends in the beatific vision. But this is not the end. Intuition and the mind also return to the Primal Source, to the supermaterial Spirit-Will, based in matter, and activating the material world to evolve to Godhood.

The Zenith of the Mind is the beatific vision of the Soul, but the Zenith of the Soul is the return to the Source, the dynamism of the Spirit-Will, which activates life to evolve to Godhood.

We can come out from under the dark, anti-material, withering of life and get on with the cosmic task of  materially and supermaterially evolving to Godhood, while at the same time affirming the first inward, non-material, vision of God. This can resolve the tragedy of the irreconcilable and catastrophic conflict between spiritualism and materialism, paganism and the Revealed Religions, religion and science.

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