Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Not materialism versus spiritualism

Meister Eckhart, Thomas' successor, spoke of God as the divine abyss, divine nothingness, divine wasteland. But this is the God of the Involutionary Inward Path reached by stripping all materialism out of life and centering on the passionless Soul.

Eckhart said “I ask God that he rid me of God,” which Caputo calls Eckhart's “mystical atheism.” Caputo doesn't mention the similarity of this to the Eastern religious view.  But Caputo does say that Eckhart's mysticism unites Aquinas and Heidegger ( if Thomas' unspoken mysticism is taken into account.).

Godhood, or Being, is “withdrawn” from view not because Godhood is spiritually purer than creatures, but because Godhood is the highest evolved being in the cosmos and we have to evolve to Godhood to see or become Godhood.

This is an important distinction which keeps Godhood both in the world and of the world. Why should the “highest” have no comparison to the material world, what is wrong with the material world, why must the material world always be hated by the mystics?

The God of the mystics is the virtual God of the Soul reached through the Inward Path and is only mankind's first hint of Godhood, reached in reality through the Evolutionary Outward Path. This God of the mystics is a God beyond God. This is a not-yet-manifest God, which is, in realty, only a blissful and empty definition, a denotation, of Godhood. It is not materialism versus spiritualism that is the distinction, it is higher and lower levels of evolution that are the distinction.

Frankly, too much is expected of God, which leads to God's disappearance from reality. Godhood is not the Being from which beings emerge, Primal Matter is the "being" from which beings emerge, and the beings who emerge then have the activation of the Spirit-Will to help them evolve to Godhood, the highest evolution in the cosmos, who is attached to the world by having been evolved from the world to the supermaterial zenith of the world.

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