Monday, November 07, 2011

Redefining universalism in religion

Cattell pointed out that all religions seem to secumb to imperialism in ethics (one could add that all civilizations do too) because they take on universalism in ethics, which then weakens and destroys the founding culture. The contrast to this is the religions of national loyalties, eg. Shintoism and Hebrewism.

The Theoevolutionary Church affirms national loyalty in a universal way, each people, each small state has the right, or the duty, to contribute to the survival of its own group, this is deeply natural and it is the original basis of much of ethics. The difficulty comes with group competition, where cooperative competition needs to be strongly affirmed.

This defines universal variety, with each individual contributing to the survival and evolution of its own group. The church can help guide ethics, as can scientific knowledge from sociobiology, as all groups rise in evolution to Godhood. The God first seen in the Inward Path to the Soul of Traditional Religions was the sole goal of ethics, now the evolutionary goal of the Outward Path to Real Godhood is added to the older ethics.

“Progress” alone is not the goal, the Inward Path to the Soul alone is not the goal, Godhood by way of evolution is the final goal, which does not replace old ethics, it is added to them, with Ordered Evolution and Revitalized Conservatism.

Human beings are capable of our great, sacred, natural mission to evolve to Godhood.  Human survival, and future species survival, probably depend on advancing human intelligence to help us survive.

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