Tuesday, November 08, 2011

A key principle bringing religious meaning back to the meaningless modern world

To Aquinas, and perhaps Heidegger, the beatitude of man is the perfect act of seeing or feeling the divine being, which to them is also the highest mode of Being. This position undervalues both God and man. Buddha did much the same thing in advocating the non-material path to nirvana.

The Revealed Religions are slowly fading from human history (with a few flareups now and again) largely because of the anti-material stance, which has gone against all that people see, all that people are. Religion and metaphysics (and much of philosophy) have been an attempt to overcome any representation of real, material or supermaterial, divine objects. Even if religion bows a bit to real life (eg. everything has a season), it is not really an affirmation of real life but a plan for living a life designed to lead to an affirmation of pure, anti-material, intuition.

Godhood is not merely calculation, not meditation, not presence, not intuition, not deduction, not the human experience of bliss. Godhood is a Real Supermaterial Object, or Objects, reached through material and supermaterial evolution. The highest act of life is not merely to have intellectual intuition of God, it is to become Godhood in evolution.

Even so, in the Twofold Path we can retain or include the intellectual intuition of God, seen in the Involutionary Inward Path to the Soul-Within, but we must not be blocked there in a Great Spiritual Blockade. We must move on to the Evolutionary Outward Path, which is activated by the material Spirit-Will, so that we can, through material and supermaterial evolution, become Real Godhood.   

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