Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Substance of the Soul and Spirit-Will

“Christ” dwells in the Soul of human beings, but the Spirit-Will dwells at the Zenith of the Soul. They are not the same, they do not have the same goal.

The Inward Path leads, with much effort, to the ego-less, blissful state of the Soul, or Christ, which Jesus and other great mystics reached, and is a virtual mirror of Godhood, but not Godhood. The Outward Path of life, which requires even more effort, is activated within by the Spirit-Will to evolve to Godhood, which is then shaped from without by evolution.

Christ is the goal of the Inward Path to the Soul, the Spirit-Will defines and activates the Outward Path of evolution leading to Godhood. This is the Twofold Path of the Evolutionary Christian Church (ECC).

Both the Spirit-Will and Godhood contain Real Substance, but this is a far more subtle supermaterial body than, say, a granite rock, or even sun light. This is a central point in ECC.

It is because of this supermateriality that material science will one day define these subtle bodies, with perhaps new knowledge or new technology, and affirm at least some of what religion has been trying to say for thousands of years.

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