Sunday, May 01, 2011

Can Classical Tradition Be Salvaged?

It seems to me that the classical educational goal of “eudaemonia,” happiness-through-restraint, will be required in the very long evolution to Godhood. (see Koons on Babbit, Modern Age) This also means that the teleological kosmos of the classical world can remain, although changed to relate to the goal of evolving to Godhood. Self-control and prudence are classical virtues required in the survival and evolution of all groups all the way to Godhood.

Human nature can be a central subject of study, as it was in classical times, but the vital field of sociobiology needs to be included if culture is to reflect what we are. Otherwise culture will always be snapped back to human nature, one way or another.

Ordered Evolution” rather than the more classical “ordered liberty” better describes Revitalized Conservatism. This affirmation of political restraint can remain.

It seems to me that the synthesized mix of democracy and aristocracy, defined as the ideal order, can remain, seen in the original Republican Constitution of the United States, but it too needs revitalization. Raymond Cattell's cooperative competition between evolving groups is within human capability, with small states, protected with light federalism.

Godhood also remains the goal, but a Godhood reached through evolution. The Involutionary Path to the God within of traditional religion remains, along with the Evolutionary Path to Godhood, in the Twofold Path of Evolutionary Christianity.

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