Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On Language

It seems to me that Heidegger does not make his case for changing the old idea of language as primarily communication, words as an exterior sign of the interior mind, or language communicating meanings already constituted in the mind.

Heidegger wants to reject this “dualist” language theory (see “Heidegger and Aquinas,” by Caputo), but in the process I see only complicated obfuscation---to say that “language is not representative but manifestative” is to me obfuscation.

It is true that we can develop names for things that do not exist outside of our minds, but this is still language representing our interior mind, our interior minds simply can be ignorant of the exterior world as in a dream and not describe reality. The hope is that intelligence and consciousness will evolve to find the correct or real knowledge of the exterior world, and then use the interior mind to describe that exterior reality as accuratley as possible.

When both beings and Being are known and seen as material and supermaterial existing real objects, and not as immaterial word creations or definitions, then the language describing these objects may eliminate Idealism and most metaphysics. Language will continue to be an exterior sign of interior mind, but with high enough evolution, perhaps only with the Supreme Godhood attained, Godhood's Mind existing in Godhood's Body will describe Absolute Reality with Absolute Language.

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