Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The religious fantasy regarding entropy

The fantasy is the idea that we will survive the so-called entropy of the universe by transcending the material, physical world. (eg. Teilhard De Chardin) How convenient.

No, the material world does not disappear, it evolves, if we are lucky, or wise, to the supermaterial world and that is how we will survive the entropy of the Kosmos.

The Great Spiritual Blockade against the material world by Traditional religion is a theological error which needs correcting. Godhood is not "beyond" the material world, Godhood is the Zenith of the Material World.

The goal of the Involutionary Inward Path, of reaching the blissful, desire-free state of the Soul, has been confounded with Godhood. The Soul-state can be retained in the Inward Path as a glimpse of Godhood, but Godhood is the goal of the Evolutionary Outward Path.

The Without needs to be included in the Within. The Twofold Path in Evolutionary Christianity expresses and affirms both Paths.

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