Thursday, August 26, 2010

Cooperative competition is not too poetic

People, races or states who seek true Godhood are not the superior people, race or state, they are the most virtuous people. Thinking in terms of superiority/inferior has brought imperial racism, and the belief that one race or state alone is noble or chosen. We are all evolving to Godhood and should be allowed to do so in separate states protected by a light federalism. This is the true meaning of “equality.”

Ecumenism is based on the principle that all the Revealed Religions were speaking of the same Involutionary Inward Path to the Kingdom of God within. Separation and variety is based on the Evolutionary Outward Path of evolution to Godhood, the God first glimpsed in the Inward Path. This is the Twofold Path. Let us have a world of “cooperative competition” (Cattell's term) in a world of groups. Anything less (or more) may not survive.

Is this cooperative competition too “poetic?” Some philosophers (German idealists) believed that only poetry could heal the divide between religion and science. But when the Holy Spirit is seen as supermaterial or epiphenomenal and as the Will To Godhood, activating material life to evolve to Godhood, then religion can be related to institutional arrangements. the Evolutionary Christian Church brings poetry and religion both down to earth and connected to heaven. Poetry and politics can then affirm this religion.

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