Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Dealing With Nihilism

The nihilism of today's twenty-somethings and thirty-somethings is a concern. It is a philosophical error. Nihilism seems to now be the result of abandoning religion in favor of science, or at least a "politically correct" science. Political correctness is the new religion, it is what the high schools and colleges have taught them.

What to do about it? I think you apply the relatively new field of sociobiology ( really a deepening of older Darwinian evolution), and teach it in colleges, high schools, grade schools, which would help in getting our feet back on the ground. Even the humanities need to fully absorb sociobiology, as E. O. Wilson advocated years ago.

After solid ground has been established with sociobiology, perhaps then nihilism will be gradually replaced with the evolutionary perspective. Eventually even a religion such as the Evolutionary Christian Church may take hold. Then the real culture can unfold.

Meanwhile the West is dying.

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