Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Secret occult associations may carry important knowledge of Primordial Tradition but they can also be a “well of poison” and must be approached cautiously. Modern philosophy, including political philosophy, have their own poison wells not unlike alchemy, also to approach cautiously.

In the Theoevolutionary Church as scientific evolution is reconciled with traditional religion it trumps medieval alchemy. Alchemy essentially sought to create the union between spirit and matter as the initiate sought union with the Soul-Within.

The Evolutionary Outward Path mediates or reconciles with the Involutionary Inward Path of Traditional Religion. The energies of evolution are synthesized to advance to higher forms. Some have seen a Hegelian-Kabbalistic similarity in building bridges between conflicting movements, but in religion and in alchemy they are working only within the Inward Path. The Theoevolutionary Church has revitalized this in synthesizing spirit and matter in the Twofold Path. We could also compare this to the far more ancient "Rainbow Bridge" of men to Gods in Odinism.

In this adventure, courage may be the most important trait in seeking the truth, intelligence is often biased by cowardice. We seek to courageously speak the truth and then trust in the Spirit to take care of the Kosmos.

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