Friday, June 18, 2010

Ayn Rand's Error

Ayn Rand was a great champion of capitalism but she should not have pursued an either/or proposition regarding self-interest and altruism. Self interest can be pursued along with altruism. Ayn Rand virtually wanted to force out altruism, uprooting a big chunk of human nature, even though she seemed to be obsessed with stopping force.

In evolution, the sociobiology I affirm says that natural selection takes place at the group level first and the individual level second. Self-interest is actually served with altruism, ones kin and larger group advance related genes through altruism, which is mainly why altruism developed.

Self-interest and altruism work together in a society of freedom, such as the original Constitution of the United States affirmed. Men need to be free to pursue their own self-interest but men must also be free to apply the benefits of their creations altruistically. The fact that government and business corporations grew too big, and thus took away individual freedoms, does not change the fact that the freedom of capitalism in America brought men out of poverty and into abundance more rapidly than any nation in human history. Bigness in government and business was not intended in the Constitution and needs to be reversed.

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