Thursday, July 09, 2009

The Reductions of Chardin

Teilhard de Chardin saw a progression from biological to psychological to spiritual evolution, but he seems to have moved away from biological evolution too soon. Psychological and spiritual evolution can only take place within biological evolution, or within the higher material/spiritual Objects of evolution. At the highest level, or Zenith of Evolution, Godhood contains the Zenith of all three aspects, biological, psychological and spiritual.

The “noosphere,” or collective mind over the globe, something like the internet, is actually limited by mankind's level of evolution. Therefore it too is a reduced destination for mankind, certainly when compared to a higher noosphere that might be created by higher beings or gods. We cannot be limited by the earth.

A problem with Chardin seems to be his preference for convergence over divergence in evolution. After convergence comes divergence without which higher and higher evolution is not possible. Peace on earth is a very worthy goal, but convergence often brings more war. Small, separate states make the best neighbors, especially when lightly federated.