Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Actual and Unactual Forms

Actual Forms mirror something Real and Actual. Unactual forms are unactual and do not mirror something actual.

The Highest Actual Form (or Forms) is Godhood.

Truth is related to Actual Forms not unactual forms. Untruths are unactual.

Mathematical Forms can either reflect or mirror actual or unactual forms. Actual Forms are mirrored by actual mathematical forms, unactual forms reflect unactual mathematics.

The Eternal Form of Godhood is Actual God and the Form is only the mirror of God, or the Actual Mind of God.
The Eternal Form, or Plato's First Principle, we define as not merely an Actual Principle but as Actual Godhood.

We seem to thus place ourselves in the camp of very ancient religion and not in the camp of philosophy, although we will apply modern philosophy, as well as science, when we may use it.