Monday, July 20, 2009

Change in history, and the concept of freedom

In answer to the concept of determinism in history, Russell Kirk said, quoting Burke: “Providence, chance, or strong wills abruptly may alter the whole apparent direction of... the meaning of history.” (Redeeming The Time) This seems largely true, and this would seem to answer Spengler's determined Seasons of civilization as well.

But within those strong willed men and women who may change history exists a determinism which puts a check on the concept of human free will. It is after all “providence” working through the materiel Spirit-Will within, and not even the Spirit-Will is “free.” The Spirit seeks to activate material life to Godhood so that the Spirit-Will Itself may reach Godhood. The natural world and evolution  must be negotiated by the Spirit-Will and the Body, the path is not always clear, but here there may be some choice. But the sacred goal is determined.

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