Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Notes On Politics, History and The Order Of The Outward Path

Politics and the State

The Theoevolutionary Church (TC) contains a synthesizing idea, unifying all aspects of life in religion, while at the same time being formally separate from the various political states it resides in.

The political state may or may not contain a theology but it can be guided by the morality and theology of the Church. However, “imperialism” is rejected since evolution and order work best in small, often federated states, or ethnostates, and the Church can guide many states without being imperialistic. The Involutionary Inward Path follows the ancient Perennial Tradition existing within all religions, and the Evolutionary Outward Path seeks to advance all religions and all people in their evolution to Godhood.

TC's position on political systems is that they represent various forms of political evolution and cannot be judged as absolute truth. We therefore pass over affirming any particular political system, although we are partial to some form of Ethnic Federalism, we hope to exist symbiotically within a variety of states. There cannot be a political doctrine good for all times and places, but there can be a religious doctrine good for all times and places.

We may seem revolutionary in the Outward Path but we are reactionary in the Inward Path, this makes a Conservative balance between Order and Evolution.

On History

TC refines the instincts in men toward the Ideal of the Instincts, which is the Evolution to Godhood.

TC conceives of life as evolution and all action is related to the aims of evolution, which has a moral aim in TC.

The Spirit, or the Will to Godhood, is an “objective” spirit which transcends the individual but does not deny the individual. The Spirit is seen as having a teleological goal in Its evolution to Godhood. Yet TC aims at being realistic in life and in actual history and in natural selection.

The Order of the Outward Path and TC lead men from lower to higher evolution and link men to the distant past and the distant future.

TC has its own conception of history in the sense that evolution is always moving toward Godhood, with starts and stops and devolutions along the way. Men are not puppets of history but history does evolve men forward inevitably, if we survive. In this sense we do believe in progress.


The main concern of the Order of the Outward Path is the religion and the work toward accomplishing its final goal. In this task the Order is central and individuals are secondary, although individual meritocracy is a highly prized valuation.

The Order of the Outward Path is a meritocracy seeing its members qualitatively and not quantitatively, therefore it will tend to be hierarchical in leadership.

The Order of the Outward Path is a manifestation of the Spirit, as is all life, but the Order is totally devoted to this manifestation.