Friday, July 10, 2009

Human Liberty And the Spirit

How do we reconcile liberty and the destination of the Spirit? We do not. Freedom is far more limited in man than has been hoped for. The Goal of the Spirit is determined but man does have some liberty in choosing the paths to the goal.

What has happened is that we have been in a sort of exile from the Spirit and Its Goal, we have blocked it, we have been taught directly or indirectly to desire more freedom than we are entitled to. A central task of the Evolutionary Christian Church is to get us back in line or in balance with the Spirit and Its Goal within human nature.

A very serious deception, or more likely ignorance, was played upon mankind in separating human nature from the determined—and not blind—force of nature. This deception is very old, going back perhaps to the times when Shamans in Hyperborea separated the Dream/Mind from the Body, and which was eventually picked up and expanded by Revealed Religions.

It is perhaps fear, or awe, of the determined path of the Spirit evolving to God, rather than love, which has led to the deception or ignorance regarding liberty. When we love the path and the goal, and do not fear it, then the path does not appear as restricted or limiting, or as something to rebel against.