Saturday, May 14, 2011

Back To Human Nature For Culture

Throughout history, human nature has been, among other things, kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, xenophobic, religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. In addition to this definition from sociobiology, which I largely affirm, I believe that human nature is also fundamentally activated by the Spirit-Will within life, which is then shaped by evolution from without.

This view of human nature, which takes a little courage to affirm in the political correctness of the times, should be at the foundation of culture. When culture goes against this view of human nature, history shows that it is always pulled back, sometimes violently, sometimes more slowly.

What would culture look like if it was in harmony with the real human nature just defined? It would contain many elements of classical conservatism. But in addition to conservatism it would take into account the evolutionary nature of the activating Spirit-Will within, which seeks to activate all life to evolve to Godhood in the Kosmos. This would balance out the order of conservatism with evolution, with what I call Ordered Evolution.

Applying this worldview to all people suggests a world of small states, or ethnostates, protected by a light federalism, and, voluntarily, guided in upward evolution by the Church.

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