Monday, July 20, 2020

Why the “fallen nature of man” was an evil idea

The “fallen nature of man” was an evil idea put in place to explain why the natural human material tendencies don't conform to the religious spiritual definition of man, and to hold in check those natural tendencies.

Contrary to the Traditionalist school it is the idea of Maya that is mistaken, which says that the material world is an unreal illusion and the spiritual world is real, when it is the material world that is real; the spiritual “God” is only inwardly and materially experienced as bliss when all the desires are gotten rid of by the ascetics. 

In 413 Augustine said there is a material city of man and spiritual city of God and Christians were not of this world, which thereafter brought a tension to Western Christianity between church and state. Monastic loving Augustine was thinking more like Christ, just as Christ resembled Buddha, who believed that material desires are hell and the religious path is to rid the body of all material desires, that was the way to see or experience the bliss of nirvana, which Christ called the God Within.

The material evolution of life toward real Godhood shows the contrast between the Outward Path evolution of life and the Inward Path of sacrifice, renunciation, asceticism, fasting etc. designed to reject the drives and desires of material life mainly so as to experience the beatific vision, which like nirvana is a peak material experience brought on by severe ascetic restrictions.

The separation between the material and the spiritual in all the revealed religions was a big metaphysical error, which set up a great spiritual blockade against the material and supermaterial evolution of life to ascending levels of real supermaterial Godhood.

There need not be that tension between the material and the spiritual just as there need not be tension between religion and science and the political. A better more real and more natural formula is to follow the biological origin of social behavior.

The evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood brings back the ideals of life and living, heroism, cultivating wisdom, strength, beauty, health, kinship and ethnic bonds, harmony with life and nature; natural instincts can then be religiously appreciated and seen as vital because we evolve to Godhood by way of material evolution and successful survival and reproduction, which now can be aided by the genetic sciences.

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