Monday, July 06, 2020

The cultural zoo

The cultural zoo we have today is mainly the result of the attempt to abandon the basic biological origin of social behavior.

Amoral modern technology didn't predict how it would gradually help take away the traditional gender roles of women and men making it possible for either gender to push the button on missiles or robot vacuum cleaners. But the overall attempt to denaturalize the genders does not work any better than the attempts to denaturalize politics, although a lot of damage can be done in the process. There are obvious genetic and hormonal differences between men and women, as well as between different ethnic groups, which certainly influence both gender, ethnic, and cultural behavior.

The rise of cultural Marxism (demanding equality for the unequal), radical feminism (demanding biologically unnatural roles for women), homosexuality (demanding biologically unnatural sexual life styles) and postmodern relativism (demanding a biologically unnatural relativity of values) has led to biologically and culturally diseased societies.

Real genetically-derived human nature contains not only big gender differences, human nature in general remains biologically kin-centered, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

The cultural zoo we live in today does not agree with the reality of the basic biological origin of social behavior.

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