Thursday, July 09, 2020

The deep degrading of material life brought on by the church defining God as non-material and spiritual

The root of sexual abuse in the church, the sexual molestation of minors, etc., which the church itself considers a mortal sin, ultimately comes from the deepest degrading of material life brought on by the church defining God as non-material and spiritual. The celibacy of priests derives from the same degrading of material life. In his study of the Vatican, journalist Frederic Martel said that up to 80 percent of the clergy at Vatican City are homosexuals, though not all of them are active. And the Vatican thinks that this plague can only be eradicated with more spiritual weapons!

The biggest tragedy that comes from the degrading of material life and the spiritual definition of God is that it sets up a Great Spiritual Blockade against material life evolving to real supermaterial Godhood.

The material evolution of life toward Godhood shows the contrast between the Outward Path evolution of life and the Inward Path of sacrifice, renunciation, asceticism, fasting etc. designed to reject the drives and desires of material life mainly so as to experience the beatific vision, which like nirvana is a peak material experience brought on by severe ascetic restrictions. There is massive metaphysical irony in the church being against the abortion of babies while in its deepest theology degrading the material world and defining God as non-material and spiritual.

The evolutionary Outward Path to Godhood brings back the ideals of life and living, heroism, cultivating wisdom, strength, beauty, health, kinship, ethnic bonds, and harmony with life and nature; the instincts of sex and reproduction can again be religiously vital and appreciated because we evolve to Godhood only by way of material evolution and successful survival and reproduction, which now can be aided by the genetic sciences.

But for conservatives we can in the Twofold Path retain that old Inward Path to the God within as the first imperfect glimpse of Godhood wrongly defined as spiritual, which has blocked the evolutionary path to real supermaterial Godhood in the Outward Path.

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