Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Masters of abstractions and real purposes (from the archive)

I try to write religious and art philosophy that is accessible, my instincts seem to go in that direction, in thinking and writing, trying to make things clear, wiping away my own fog. For me this means using real language used by real people. I like to think that this helps me avoid some of the problems of religion and philosophy which bury real things, real truths, in too many abstractions. 

The irony is, saying that living objects are more important than the definitions of the objects and even the truths about the object, is itself placing a truth above the object. In seeking the truth with real independence and courage the optimism or justification comes from the hope that the truths presented will one day help people, actual objects, at least in the future, even years from now. 

The masters of abstraction seem to create fiefdoms with their abstractions where they play games with others who are trying to be masters of abstractions in academia and the arts. They don't really care if people prefer real language, but they do want to at least dazzle the proles enough to look up to them as masters and pay their salaries. This does not seem like a good way to find the truth. 

Real Purposes  

The real purpose of art, politics, and science has been forgotten, if it ever was articulated, and that is, the evolution of life to ascending levels of Godhood. Art, politics, and science have become mostly anti-evolutionary. 

When Carl Jung helped the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous by suggesting that craving spirits was at bottom craving spirituality, Jung was relating to real purposes. The goal is inherent in life itself seeking to evolve to Godhood, and the various fields at least should relate in their various ways to this larger goal. 

This is how art, politics and science can be seen as affirming the religious realm.  The greatest art has always been an affirmation of the sacred. Even sex is designed not for procreation alone, beneath this drive is the activation of life to evolve all the way to ascending levels of Godhood, or as close to eternal representation as possible.
This way the various fields can be seen in their ultimate themes and directions as being within the religious realm. Art for art sake, or wealth for wealth sake, or politics for politics sake is not nearly enough.

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