Sunday, July 15, 2018

Watching Rob Kardashian being criticized by his mother and sisters

While surfing television channels looking for something distracting to watch I saw Rob Kardashian being criticized for being overweight by his mother and sisters. Rob was dressed like a white black rapper with cap skewed sideways, tattoos etc. which indicated to me the problem many young white men are now having with their identities.

There they sat, his overbearing unctuous mother, who helped turn her daughters into promiscuous hustlers who dress like black streetwalkers featuring very large buttocks, which black men seem to prefer---apparently it works because the girls have black husbands and boyfriends.

The sister's pick at their food as they criticize Rob, and they all have the same unemotional stoic yet whiny way of talking, which reminds you of the long-suffering dead talk of streetwalkers, or like soldiers in battle. And there sits Rob, obviously hurting, the product of this overbearing decadent family and our decaying mess of culture, with no father or friend to stick up for him, and with no authentic identity, since affirming any kind of white identity has become taboo in our culture.

Real human nature is gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic. The Kardashian's represent the opposite of this. All ethnic groups should be proud of who they are, it should not be a zero sum game where if one ethnic group gains an advantage another suffers an equivalent disadvantage. For that to be fair it might eventually require ethnostates.

Rob Kardashian and his whole generation need a good dose of ethnic pride (not more drugs) which would go a long way in curing what ails them. Meanwhile, Rob Kardashian and his generation suffer.

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