Saturday, July 14, 2018

Altruism is diabolically and dangerously manipulated

The state of denial of real human nature by the people is appalling and dangerous. And it's probably too much to say that it is/was all a diabolical plot, even though it looks like it was.

Cold climates favored altruism and group-think because you couldn't survive without the unselfish help of the group, and so altruism was selected and survived as a genetic trait in the people. Think of the Chinese who are criticized for not being individualistic enough, or the Swedes who are destroying themselves with wide open border immigration. Both groups had a very tough time in the Ice Age. 

In every human culture ever studied human nature included, among other things, kin-selection preferences, marriage, hierarchy, division of labor, gender differentiation, localism, group-selection, and ethnocentrism. This knowledge is kept from the people and localist altruism is diabolically and dangerously manipulated. Even the Church has exploited universal altruism.

The people are in a dangerous state of denial and this is encouraged and promoted by political parties. the media, and the academic world, who know that if the people know the truth they will flock even more to populist/nationalism.

There is a way for us to "all get along," but real human nature leads naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism. That can be adapted in the U.S., Europe, Africa, China, etc.. That is a realistic way for us to "all get along" as much as is humanly possible. I say flock away people, and to hell with open immigration, egalitarianism, and cultural Marxism. Save yourselves!

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