Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The positive way of ending the pain that comes from desiring is to attain the desire, the negative way is asceticism

The goal of the highest religious gurus and ascetics is "liberation" by way of attaining a superconsciousness of Abstract reality which contains no desire and no feeling but "dwells for eternity in unbroken contemplation." Ridding life of the desires of life means attaining the blissful state from a lack of the suffering and pain that comes from desiring material things.

What could be more negative than that worldview? The positive way of ending the pain that comes from desiring is to attain the desire, the negative way is asceticism. But those who can attain all their desires are probably as rare as those who attain the state of no-desires.

This does not mean that religion or Godhood are rejected. It means that real Godhood is understood as attained by way of the evolution of material life to supermaterial Godhood. Blocking all the desires of life won't get you to real Godhood, although like Buddha and few other ascetics, you may dwell in an entirely negative abstract reality that resembles death more than life.

The philosophy of theological materialism affirms life evolving toward supreme success in survival and reproduction, which defines a Godhood fulfilling the most sacred desires, not killing them. Desires do return, but that is life on the evolutionary path to Godhood, not death,

Sunday, July 29, 2018

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates in America is far better then dying like Ancient Rome

John Adams was right when he said that our democratic Constitution was made only for moral and religious people and would not work well with another type of government. As America became secular it developed great national debt, imperial overreach, morally laxity, self-centeredness, and perhaps most importantly, America become a multicultural and multiracial mismatch of competing values and cultures.

The greatest influence dealers in Washington are now the Wall Street lobby, the fossil fuel lobby, and the Israeli and Saudi lobbyists, who often pay off and threaten corrupt government officials and representatives to get them to take actions that are completely against the interests of our nation. So is our constitutional democratic republic finished? I don't think Adams saw this multicultural, multi-ethnic, lobby-led nation coming; his world looked to be permanently Anglo Saxon and protestant.

What can we do? Well, we don't need to become radical revolutionaries on the right or the left. Real tradition, or real conservatism, values both what was necessary in the past and also includes a place for change, as Burke and others more or less pointed out. Human nature remains the same as it was in John Adams time, kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection.

We could save America after-all. I think the U.S. Constitution could accommodate the political/cultural solution of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, in harmony with real human nature. That is a subject that very few traditional conservatives will talk about, although the radical right will talk about it. But an ethnopluralism of ethnostates could be accomplished conservatively, perhaps with only a few amendments to the constitutional separation of powers and states. We would need to retain some kind of federalism to protect the independence of the ethnostates, and also because we need the geopolitical heft of a large nation to defend ourselves in the big world.

It will not be easy, those who benefit from our destruction will fight it, but an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in America is far better then dying like Ancient Rome.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Some of those who pushed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 were not as stupid as Ted Kennedy

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 rewrote our immigration laws so that immigration no longer favored homogeneous Northern Europeans and Canadians, and it made legal the conquest through immigration of the United States by groups who have since promoted their own distinctive ethnic cultures, in competition with the traditional Euro-American culture, and for the most part have not assimilated into American culture.
Those who pushed the bill were not all idiots like Ted Kennedy who read a speech at the time---probably handed to him that morning while he was nursing a hangover---which promised that, "...in the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think… The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs.”
Some of those who pushed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 were not as stupid as Ted Kennedy, they wanted to weaken the United States so that they could gain power over those who ruled, although the ruling WASPS had already become weakened by decadent living. And the Big Media, the academic world, and dual-citizenship lobbyists helped the conquest through immigration for similar power-play reasons.
In war if a general commits a treasonous action which concedes the conquest of his country he is court-martialed and usually loses his life. The reality is that as the people and ethnic groups change the culture changes, and ignorance of that reality is no excuse for the conquest through immigration of the United States. I say goddamn the traitors and fools who rewrote our Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, and goddamn those who continue to advance the same destructive immigration policy. 
The only positive result of this treason that I can think of is that it will hasten the day of the natural development of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions, established legally in the United States, adapted from our constitutional separation of powers and states, in harmony with real human nature, which remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The problem with narcissism is that it leads to meaninglessness

Modern culture, especially pop culture, is narcissistic, exemplified by the Kardashians and their hip hop husbands and rap boyfriends. They believe everything exits for their own pleasure and delight. "They walk the earth as in a garden planted only for them." (Hegel)

But the Kardashians, their supposedly booty-obsessed boyfriends (it seems more like a racial statement against trim booty), and their gullible followers don't realize that when the narcissistic drug wears off meaninglessness awaits them. I think of the obese end of the equally narcissistic Marlon Brando looking for meaning in food and leftist causes (although he actually had talent early on).

As Nietzsche and his 20th century followers worried about, the philosophical problem with narcissism is that it leads to meaninglessness. Religious meaning in life is lost, and a narcissistic rage seems to set in wildly seeking meaning and hoping to find it in things like the French Revolution, or in our time, cultural Marxism.

This trendy narcissism influences our youth way too much, cheered on by a nefarious Big Media,  unaided by parents whose 1960's narcissism left them not much giving a damn.
Cultures can operate for a time with behavior that goes against real human nature, but cultures are eventually pulled back by the biological and genetic origin of social behavior and by the leash of real human nature to cultures that better reflect who we are. Real human nature, if honestly examined by sociobiology, affirms in general the populist nationalism and ethnostatism now trying to rise in the corrupted West.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

In a great zigzag of irony an ethnopluralism of ethnostates defines progress in political philosophy

The biology that defines our differences by defining human nature as basically and genetically kin-centered and ethnocentric (see the science of sociobiology) also can show us how to create order out of imperialism or supremacism by developing an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. As one historian put it, what formerly divided us can put us back together again.

When we look at, say, the middle east we see that imperialism or supremacism in that region go directly against real human nature and the biology that defines ethnic differences. For example, Israel deserves its own state or ethnostate, but so does Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Iran, and when any of these states tries to rule supreme over the others for whatever reason it is they who are the war-mongers and immoral disruptor's of peace and order. Bigger players like the United States, Russia and China are also guilty of pushing their own imperialism or supremacism.

But humans will be competing humans and so we will always need to protect the sovereignty of ethnostates (eventually thousands of ethnostates) with some sort of federalism. In the U.S. an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions could be established legally with our constitutional separation of powers and states.

There will always be wars, or at least rumors of war, but there has been "progress" in political philosophy, even though traditionalist's don't like the word and liberal's deny real human nature. In a great zigzag of irony an ethnopluralism of ethnostates defines progress in political philosophy.

Monday, July 23, 2018

How to return to real bonding between people

The Information Age, the internet, Facebook, Twitter, are like a great new library with a huge foyer or entrance hall like Times Square, drawing billions of visitors, but the building has a smaller connected section for the world's greatest library on all subjects. The great loud entrance hall has flashing neon signs promoting porn and many other dubious short-term pleasures which keep the people occupied, and so the people rarely enter the library.

That being said, we can't blame the internet for the destruction of localism and the loss of real bonding between people, because the reality is that even without the corrupting internet, and even with the return of localism and conservatism, distinctly different ethnic groups don't locally bond together, as we have seen for years in our overcrowded cities---and religion and politics haven't stopped it.

Conservative's rarely mention this natural biological bonding when they talk about the reasons for the alienation of our people, perhaps mainly because the liberals and cultural Marxists call them very bad names if they do mention it. So conservative's tend to sit back and watch the people parading through "The Crossroads of the World."

Human nature remains kin-centered, gender defined, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. And so the truly humane thing to do is to see and affirm that human nature leads naturally to regionalism, localism, ethnocentrism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. That is best way to at least diminish modern alienation and dubious short-term pleasures and return to real bonding between people.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The extreme of cultural Marxism is the new trend of "theybies"

The extreme of cultural Marxism is the new trend of "theybies," the gender-neutral idea of letting kids choose for themselves their gender. This complete denial of the biological origin of our social behavior and replacing it with the Marxist lie of an entirely culture-created human nature is insane and suicidal.

Human nature has been affirmed throughout human history to this day (see sociobiology) as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

It's hard to believe how successful the cultural Marxist's have been; the gender-neutral folks are voluntarily handing over the keys of the West to our inevitable enemies---maybe that's what the cultural Marxist's had in mind all along.  Do the camp followers think they will defend the West with their gender-neural, zoological, protest marches?!

It might be funny if children weren't involved, and if it wasn't so dangerously suicidal...

And no corrupt Big Media outlet objects to it.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Classes, ethnicities, and Whoopi

"Classes" seem more related to the divisions that naturally develop within ethnically homogeneous societies, whereas different ethnicities within the same societies behave quite differently.

Think of the difference between Whoopi Goldberg, with her recent obscene attack on Justice Jeanine on "The View," and a 1950's housewife trying to out-virtue the traditional values of the upper middle class.

Today the left, the antifa movement, behaves more like Whoopi than a 1950's housewife, it's not a class competition, it's more like an ethnic war.

We are beginning to see that multi-ethnic societies create differences which changing "classes" cannot sooth. I think it will eventually lead to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted to the constitutional separation of powers and states. It is an entirely natural thing to happen given real human nature and one hopes it happens legally and nonviolently.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How to stop the antifa movement

The antifa movement, that is, the anti-fascists, anti-sexist, anti-racist, anti-homophobia, and anti-capitalist movement has been blocking freeway traffic, handicapping police departments, and often violently stopping free speech on college campuses, thinking that they are preventing the rise of an ever-present Nazism, when they are really only facing mild-mannered republicans who are afraid to be politically incorrect in reaction to them. I suppose a few of their leaders want to provoke actual Nazis so the wrath of the Media will help advance their Marxist cause. 
Since not all American's are mild-mannered republicans who are afraid to be politically incorrect, the antifa movement may one day actually get the enemies they define; and it will be like the sophomore in the bar who taunts a quiet man who says nothing until he suddenly puts out the lights of the loudmouth with one punch.

But that is not what we want. We don't want to replace totalitarian Marxism with totalitarian Nazism. Real human nature is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection. 

This means that what we want and need eventually is an ethnopluralism of ethnostates or regions, which could be established legally in the United States with our constitutional separation of powers and states, protected by federalism. That is far preferable to radical Marxism or totalitarian Fascism, and preferable to these antifa movements which are political dissimulations based on flawed definitions of real human nature, which are bringing us radical civil disruptions, even civil war, and are now increasing across the world within unworkable multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What Trump's many enemies do not understand

President Trump came out of his meeting with Putin looking weakened, or maybe he was just tired---he is 72 years old. I don't know if it's true or false that Putin has big and bad blackmail on Trump, some illegal multimillionaire business deal, sexual scandal, or whatever, but whatever it would be Trump would have to believe it was big enough to destroy him.

Of course many of Trump's followers believe that all the charges against Trump are the result of fake news created by his enemies---and much of it is fake---but what Trump's many enemies do not understand is that Trump's followers are so starved for a real populist/nationalist leader who can do what Trump has done for America that they will support him in any case, transgressions and all.

The overlooking of Trump's faults in favor of his patriotism shows us how much the people have come to distrust the elites, how hungry Americans are for realism in Washington, and how much the people hate the Big Media and Hollywood.

Whether or not the growing differences in America are big enough to create another civil war, or if we can find a realistic way to get along---eg. an ethnopluralism of ethnostates adapted from the constitutional separation of powers and states---remains to be seen.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Sacred but practical ways to bring the individual to the group

When we think of both Greek tragedy and the Christian mass as sacred ways to bring the individual to the group. soothing the alienation of the individual, we can defend those tragedies and masses with a more materialistic knowledge from the science of sociobiology, which examines the biological origin of social behavior within real human nature. This shows us, in the words of E.O.Wilson, that "within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." Social bonding ceremonies, celebrations, or rituals may include bonding with heroes or martyrs but they nevertheless bring the alienated individual and the group together in harmony, enhancing both.

The bonding problems come when religious, artistic, or political ceremonies or bonding rituals ask the individual to bond with things that do not relate or harmonize with real human nature, such as asking or demanding that the individual be universally altruistic or universally egalitarian when human nature is basically kin-centered and ethnocentric. Concern for others simply weakens as we move out to try to include the whole earth,

This is why our bonding ceremonies, celebrations, or rituals need to take real human nature into account if we want to bring the individual and the group together in unselfish harmony. The biological origin of our social behavior actually ends the intellectual defense of postmodern relativism, only they don't know it yet. The defense of real human nature affirms in general the populist nationalism now trying to rise in the corrupted West.

This also suggests that real human nature leads naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism. Given who we are this appears to be the best way we can bring the individual back to the group, soothing the alienation of the individual, while optimizing the gene expression we inherited from our human ancestors.

But even more deeply we can resolve the human tragedy when we affirm the sacred goal of evolving material life to supermaterial Godhood. That is what needs to be bonded in religious/philosophical celebrations and masses. which can also bring the unification or synthesis of religion and science, biology and culture. That is what can save a naturally and rightly separated humanity over time.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Watching Rob Kardashian being criticized by his mother and sisters

While surfing television channels looking for something distracting to watch I saw Rob Kardashian being criticized for being overweight by his mother and sisters. Rob was dressed like a white black rapper with cap skewed sideways, tattoos etc. which indicated to me the problem many young white men are now having with their identities.

There they sat, his overbearing unctuous mother, who helped turn her daughters into promiscuous hustlers who dress like black streetwalkers featuring very large buttocks, which black men seem to prefer---apparently it works because the girls have black husbands and boyfriends.

The sister's pick at their food as they criticize Rob, and they all have the same unemotional stoic yet whiny way of talking, which reminds you of the long-suffering dead talk of streetwalkers, or like soldiers in battle. And there sits Rob, obviously hurting, the product of this overbearing decadent family and our decaying mess of culture, with no father or friend to stick up for him, and with no authentic identity, since affirming any kind of white identity has become taboo in our culture.

Real human nature is gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic. The Kardashian's represent the opposite of this. All ethnic groups should be proud of who they are, it should not be a zero sum game where if one ethnic group gains an advantage another suffers an equivalent disadvantage. For that to be fair it might eventually require ethnostates.

Rob Kardashian and his whole generation need a good dose of ethnic pride (not more drugs) which would go a long way in curing what ails them. Meanwhile, Rob Kardashian and his generation suffer.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Altruism is diabolically and dangerously manipulated

The state of denial of real human nature by the people is appalling and dangerous. And it's probably too much to say that it is/was all a diabolical plot, even though it looks like it was.

Cold climates favored altruism and group-think because you couldn't survive without the unselfish help of the group, and so altruism was selected and survived as a genetic trait in the people. Think of the Chinese who are criticized for not being individualistic enough, or the Swedes who are destroying themselves with wide open border immigration. Both groups had a very tough time in the Ice Age. 

In every human culture ever studied human nature included, among other things, kin-selection preferences, marriage, hierarchy, division of labor, gender differentiation, localism, group-selection, and ethnocentrism. This knowledge is kept from the people and localist altruism is diabolically and dangerously manipulated. Even the Church has exploited universal altruism.

The people are in a dangerous state of denial and this is encouraged and promoted by political parties. the media, and the academic world, who know that if the people know the truth they will flock even more to populist/nationalism.

There is a way for us to "all get along," but real human nature leads naturally to the cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism. That can be adapted in the U.S., Europe, Africa, China, etc.. That is a realistic way for us to "all get along" as much as is humanly possible. I say flock away people, and to hell with open immigration, egalitarianism, and cultural Marxism. Save yourselves!

Friday, July 13, 2018

True tragedy

The biggest and most tragic separation is not between Dionysian individualism (Nietzsche) and Apollonian groupism (Hegel) which they say is at the origin of the conflicts of tragedy. Real tragedy comes from humanly-created problems caused by not understanding or miss-defining the spiritual and the material.

Real tragedy is related to the ancient problem humans have had in claiming that the higher material or the supermaterial is spiritual and non-material. This has caused a great devaluing and a spiritual blockade against natural life evolving to real supematerial Godhood. Ignorantly or cynically blocking the path to real Godhood leads to real tragedy.

We can resolve this tragedy and have human "catharsis" when we affirm and do not blindly ignore the sacred goal of evolving material life to supermaterial Godhood. This is what needs to be bonded in religious/philosophical celebrations and masses. That is what can save humanity over time.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

All we need is the affirmation of ongoing evolution from the frogs to the Gods

Religion and philosophy gradually moved away from nature and the chthonic gods of the underworld. The gods of the revealed religions are spiritual and not of the material world. Whereas science grew by bringing back the study of nature, but nature without religion and without the chthonic gods.

Nature is not as disorderly, irrational and diabolical as the chthonic gods of the underworld religions, but nature also does not eliminate the gods as science has done. Nature and the material world evolve to supermaterial Godhood in accord with the natural drives of life to survival and reproductive success.

The revealed religions feared nature, but so did the earlier chthonic religions. Both saw the material world and nature as disorderly, irrational and diabolical. So it was not understanding or misunderstanding nature that led to the religious fear of nature, as well as leading to the creation of gods that were beyond the reach of "evil" nature.

When religion and Godhood are rejected they cannot be legitimately replaced by irrational, chaotic, chthonic gods, or by atheistic science. We also don't require tragic art/religion to reconcile the rational and the irrational, the individual and society. All we need is the affirmation of ongoing evolution from the frogs to the Gods.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Why does the demand for "equality" rise from the ashes every generation like a zombie firebird?

It probably began way back with the "universalism" of religious "spiritualism" and then moved on from there to political philosophy and culture in general.

It was highly cynical but Nietzsche was on to something when he saw the will to power behind those who advocate equality, which we see in Marxism, feminism, the civil rights movements, and postmodernism, with their demands for equality which are mainly the will to power or will to superiority of one group over the others.

When we clearly see and admit the biological origin of most of social behavior then we may be able to move past the great confidence game and swindle of equality, which only leads to civil disturbances and even civil war, because equality does not harmonize with real human nature.

No matter how often religions, political philosophies, or cultures tell us that we are all the same, the biological origin of most of social behavior has affirmed throughout human history that human nature is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection, followed by individual selection.

When presumptuous and arrogant politicians, feminists, etc. smile down on us condescendingly and tell us that we are all the same and must be equal, rather than telling them that they are dangerous fools seeking power, which they are, we need to tell them that real human nature leads naturally to the political and cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism. Given who we really are this appears to be the best way we will "all get along."

Friday, July 06, 2018

Trump and the leftist snobs

I like the middle class when they do their main job of defending and maintaining conservative things, but I don't like their snobbery, specifically the middle class leftist snobbery against President Trump.

Trump is often vulgar---in a speech yesterday he talked about "kicking ass"---but vulgar or not Trump is getting important things done when most politicians on the left and the right sound like grandma giving etiquette lessons that no one listens to.

Trump is trying to do, and doing, what he told the populist/nationalists he would do, protecting our borders, making American trade fair by putting up tariffs, appointing conservative judges, etc.

The big unanswered question is why does Trump capitulate to Israel and Saudi Arabia in their attempts to destroy Iran when Trump stands up to every great power on the planet? That could end up undoing all the things Trump is doing right---it is the way of war, even world war.  On this subject of course we see no objection by the leftist snobs in the controlled big media. 

Thursday, July 05, 2018

The reconciliation of the individual and the group is not an easy thing to balance but it's not a Greek tragedy

Many problems result from making the human and the divine opposites. This makes the material and the spiritual opposites, and science and religion opposites, and eventually filters down to political opposition.

This great religious/philosophical error is overcome by seeing the divine and human as only different levels of material evolution and not as opposites. We evolve to Godhood in the material world.

According to Elliot Jurist's ("Beyond Hegel and Nietzsche") tragedy was defined by Hegel and Nietzsche (and the Greeks) as the highly emotional reconciliation of the human and the divine, and the individual and the group.

I say the reconciliation of the individual and the group is not an easy thing to balance but it's not a Greek tragedy. The reconciliation of the individual and the group are affirmed in the empirical sociobiological knowledge that "within groups, selfish individuals beat altruistic individuals, but groups of altruists beat groups of selfish individuals." (E.O. Wilson) "Tragedy" comes from getting that balance wrong. Whole empires, nations, and regions rise and fall related to this sociobiological balancing act.

Getting the reconciliation of the individual and the group right means, among other things, discerning the difference between creative social individuals and creative antisocial individuals, which modern psychometric testing can help with, assuming the sociobiological knowledge of the biological origin of most of our social behavior is affirmed. (was Hegel social and Nietzsche antisocial?)

Politically this reconciliation also means setting up or adapting an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in democratic republics, or wherever (legally and nonviolently) in line with the real kin and ethnic preferences of real human nature.

Tuesday, July 03, 2018

The vile and nefarious march through our schools and through the media

While patriotic Americans were busy working, raising children, going to church, and serving in the military, they barely noticed the vile and nefarious march through our schools and through the media by modern liberals who were really cultural Marxists.

So the old WASP (White Anglo/Saxon Protestant) ethos of the Ivy League schools, which had taught confidence and pride with a bit of patriotism thrown in, now taught people like Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama how to be condescending, insufferable, liberals spouting cultural Marxism to the lowly proles, who Hillary really thinks are "deplorables."

Three fourths of college students recently interviewed by a conservative journalist said they did not love or even like America, although they could not articulate why, not having absorbed much of the cultural Marxism taught to them by their condescending, insufferable "professors," but having absorbed the social status of hating President Trump.

So now, after sending our children to good schools to be brainwashed, we have a real cultural mess on our hands, created mainly by the vile and nefarious modern liberals and cultural Marxists who---let's be honest---we allowed to march through our schools and through the media due to our ignorance, but mainly due to the vile and nefarious lies of the cultural Marxists.

What can we do about it? The biological origin of our social behavior, as empirically explained by sociobiology, actually ends the intellectual defense of cultural Marxism and postmodern relativism. As long as we are alive every cell in our body demands survival and reproductive success. This natural activation can be blocked, subverted, or it can be unknown to us, but it can't legitimately be intellectually or instinctively denied.

This defense of real human nature affirms in general the populist nationalism now trying to rise in the corrupted West, which I believe will one day lead to the political and cultural expression of regionalism, localism, and an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, protected by some sort of federalism, along with the legal American constitutional separation of powers and states. It won't be easy but there is nothing better we can do.