Sunday, May 13, 2018

It's more a slaying of the West than a suicide

Led by depraved Academia, gender and race quotas in the U.S. have now made James Burnham's term on the liberal "suicide of the West" too broad to define what is now the "slaying of the West."

Even communist China has not fallen for bogus gender and race quotas and is proudly pushing a meritocratic system of schooling. They are also promoting genetic engineering and even positive eugenics to increase the intelligence of the already intelligent Chinese people.

How long will healthy and sane people in the West put up with selecting less qualified people for everything?! Perhaps old greed in hiring will save the day if reason and instinct cannot. Or those who have not been indoctrinated in the academic world will naturally choose by merit rather than quotas and will therefore be far more successful---assuming they can escape the quota police.

That could also continue the populist conservative rise in the West. The "deplorables," not the halls of ivy, might just save the West!

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