Monday, May 07, 2018

Empires and Ethnostates

If you want an empire then Trump's new national security adviser John Bolton is your man. Bolton constantly advocates the use of force to advance the American empire, which is the main way empires advance.

But intelligent and courageous people do not want an empire, they want ethnostates, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, because ethnostates are in harmony with real human nature, which remains as it has always been, kin-centered, local, and ethnocentric. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates could even be established legally in the United States adapted from our constitutional separation of powers and states.

Why courageous? Because courage is needed to go against the prevailing globalism and cultural Marxism which rules the West. Courage is often more important than intelligence in finding the truth.

People don't bond with empires, empires are too far removed from people for natural altruism to work. But the exploiters and marauders of the earth prefer empires, which they selfishly dominate, and, irony of ironies, they often pursue for ethnocentric reasons.

Empires always fall apart and reform into ethnostates, or an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, as an honest reading of history shows us. But any ethnopluralism needs to be strongly protected and defended from marauding empires with some version of federalism. That is where a Bolton might come in handy, but he would have to first learn that force is only used to back up diplomacy. That is also what gangbangers need to learn.

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