Friday, October 06, 2017

Why has Western culture deferred to political correctness or cultural Marxism?

It is biology driving political correctness or cultural Marxism, as it does most social behavior, which Marxism cunningly or stupidly denies. Cultural Marxism is Marxist ideology and critical theory cunningly applied to the social sciences, but it is really the will to power of at least the elite of cultural Marxism, and it is a hidden drive to survival and reproductive success.

There are of course the useful idiots who promote cultural Marxism having been indoctrinated in virtually all our schools, as well as constant bias by the corrupt Big Media promoting the same propaganda in a more superficial way to the public.

We are too crowded and is too late---and it is immoral---to think of one group conquering all the other groups, whether it be cultural Marxists or fascists on the right, with some kind of throwback empire. An ethnopluralism of ethnostates is the most equitable way for all of us to live now.

Real human nature and the fundamental drives and instincts of human nature strongly suggest the political configuration of an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. For conservatives this means adapting the already existing constitutional separation of powers and states toward ethnostates, in harmony with real kin-centered and ethnocentric human nature.

It is not the fundamental biological drives to power or survival success that are wrong, it's the exploitation of those natural drives that is wrong, and even evil. So ending the political correctness of cultural Marxism, or at least greatly curbing it, is vital if we want to save the West.

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