Sunday, October 01, 2017

"Equality" as political dissimulation

It is "equality" as political dissimulation that is the problem, groups seeking power and dominance are completely natural. The social task becomes how to deal with the natural will to power of various ethnic groups and individuals, which is what religions and ideologies have concerned themselves with.

African Americans play the equality and victim game now, the Jewish people played it before African Americans, and whites did it before Jews. Even a few African Americans now admit that Affirmative Action has resulted in discrimination against whites and Asians.

Much depends on the definition of human nature. If you think human nature is completely malleable and can be changed by culture into anything you desire---such as complete equality for all---then you have the left dissimulation, whereas the right thinks human nature is more fixed the further right you go.

Science and common sense have been slowly better defining human nature since the time of the Ancient Greeks or the Ancient Vedic Indians, and now we have the science of sociobiology, which has empirically shown us that basic human nature across the world is kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual, marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of successful selection.

This reveals to those who are willing to see it that seeking "equality" is political dissimulation, and it also says that it's time to apply what has been tearing us apart, that is, our differences and our wills to power, to putting us back together again.

An ethnopluralism of ethnostates and regions could be established legally in the United States due to our constitutional separation of powers and states. It may require a few constitutional amendments to give more power to the states to move toward an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. It will not be easy, but it is far preferable to the political dissimulation of equality that has brought us radically destructive civil disruptions, or even civil war, and which is, naturally, now increasing within unworkable multicultural (multi-ethnic) societies.

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