Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is there a highest level of human social civilization?

Real human nature is violated by attempts to make everyone the same and to jam distinctly different people together into the same state, because human nature remains deeply kin-centered and ethnocentric, among other mostly traditional traits.

The natural will to kin and ethnic survival and reproductive success often leads one group to promote the supremacy of their own group over other groups, which is how colonialism and empires develop.

But we can see from the rise and fall of rightist or leftist empires in history that they fall apart and decentralize into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates. So why not go to an ethnopluralism of ethnostates in the first place? This could bring whatever peace and harmony is possible for human beings.

I think the highest level of human social civilization will come when human beings consciously form themselves into an ethnopluralism of ethnostates, bypassing the cycles of the rise and fall of empires, and then devote themselves with variety to evolving in the material world to supermaterial Godhood.

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