Monday, June 08, 2015

Religion and Ethnopluralism

This morning on the news when police moved in at a hip-hop concert to stop black lawbreakers, one man cried “You treat us like animals!” I suppose if a police chief said: "When you break the law you act like animals,” that would only cause another riot. But what can be done about the increasing racial unrest we are seeing?

“Multicultural” societies are inefficient in creating uniformity of purpose in the members of a large motley group. Ethnic cultures share many of the same traits and have better social coordination, which is why ethnic groups tend to live near one another even in multicultural societies. Sure there are arguments and even fights but ethnic societies are far more coordinated than multicultural societies.

I think since we already tend to naturally separate ourselves, we should do this formally, with a real ethnopluralism, that is, small ethnostates and regions, which in America could be legally accommodated by the separation of powers and states in the U.S. Constitution. This is the most realistic chance we have of all getting along together.

The task of preserving order and tradition should be the mission of conservatives, but multiculturalism goes largely unopposed by conservatives, perhaps mainly do to the non-material equality of souls as seen in the Christian Inward Path. This has caused some realists to reject religion, or to go back to a partially revived paganism.

Science and the arts, and modern or postmodern philosophy, mainly fathered by Nietzsche, have not offered a living alternative to religion. All civilizations were founded in religion and decline when religion declines, which we are now increasingly seeing in the West.

Theological materialism and the Twofold Path can salvage religion, the basic elements and symbols of religion are reborn and transformed. Inherent non-materialism has caused religion to be unequipped to deal with real life over the long term. This can be overcome in the biological and superbiological evolution to real Godhood as affirmed in the Outward Path of theological materialism, which was only symbolically experienced as the Father Within of  the Inward Path.

Evolution can then continue in a more orderly way as each ethnic culture is affirmed in its own way, in its own space. It is time to at least start thinking of this.

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