Friday, June 05, 2015

Allowing Ethnocentrism

The above title will seem outrageous to many people, but the way to combat racism is to allow it. Being against racism certainly has not stopped it. The solutions of both the liberals and conservatives have been mistaken: conservatives tend to deny racism and liberals want to outlaw it.

Modern western culture has created a vast field of ruin, to use a phrase of Nietzsche's. There has been an attempt to escape real human nature with hyperindivualism and solipsism, leading to self-indulgence, greed, sensual excess, addiction, and so on.

The day will one day come when one is not called a bigot for admitting ethnocentrism, because real human nature does eventually rise. According to the honest (and courageous) wing of the sociobiological sciences, human nature remains kin-centered, gender defined, age-graded, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, among other things, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. Human nature does not really atrophy but it can be shoved underground in society by fostering other emotional values.

This means that ethnopluralism with small ethnostates is the realistic way to create social and cultural order, protected by some sort of federalism---we cannot rely on our own virtues alone. The U. S Constitution could even legally affirm ethnopluralism in view of the separation of powers and states. Like school children fighting in the schoolyard, the way to create peace and order is to separate them, give them their own space.

And finally, the highest values are not merely preservation (survival) or enhancement (power), contrary to Nietzsche. Values are defined by evolution, ongoing material and supermaterial evolution toward Godhood, with Godhood reaching the highest value. Survival and power are secondary to this evolutionary valuation. Eventually we are evolving beyond our present ethnic groups.

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