Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Radicalism versus Reform

Serious reformers don't wish to weaken the struggle, as the radicals accuse them of doing, but they do usually wish to remove the radicalism from the struggle. The path of reform is the path of legality, the path of radicalism is often illegal and self-defeating.

The West has deteriorated so far that quick radical solutions are not deep enough or long-term enough, and they often hinder the solutions. There is so much to correct that endurance and patience are needed.

The rise out of degeneration may take several generations or more, since religion, philosophy, art, etc., all need reforming. No civilization ever lasted long without a religious foundation, and religion is largely lost in the West, and new and reformed religions take generations to establish.

For example, two deep reforms I advocate here are Theological Materialism in religious philosophy (material life evolving to supermaterial Godhood), and Ethnopluralism in political philosophy (grounded in group-selection as the primary unit of human selection), both of which could take generations to establish given our present indirect cultural Marxism (“It is forbidden to forbid” ), and rule by global corporations.

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