Saturday, May 31, 2014

Hypothesizing on world order without imperialism

Expanding on yesterday's post, I could see a world order more like Dante's prescription for peace than the marauding New World Order of the West, or the projected imperialism of Eurasianism in the East---with one big caution: a world order of ethnopluralism would affirm various religions and cultures living in near-independent ethnostates, even as world-wide voluntary sociobiological research centers, and the religion of the ECC, carry on their work advocating the Ordered Evolution of mankind---not just one group.

Creative evolution in general works best with a variety of people and states living in relative separation, while still trading with one another, where they can consciously develop various positive evolutionary traits, which can be later utilized by other groups, and this all can be protected by a form of federalism---the proper place for the military.

This is not imperialism, this is world order protecting ethnopluralism and ethnic cultures, which human history always falls back to in any case. Religious, political and business imperialism, with their anti-evolutionary forced homogenization, can be blocked as being ever harmful to evolution and to peace, so that Ordered Evolution may take place over time toward Godhood.  This would be a world order worthy of the best of mankind, and beyond.

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