Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Healing the spiritual-material divisions

(The living object is more important than the definition of the object)

The Great Spiritual Blockade has deprived the material world, passion, and nature itself of its dignity, as Nietzsche pointed out---as if there were no high purpose for passion. This was due mainly to the single concentration on the Involutionary Inward Path to the God or Father Within of traditional religions, the state that can in fact, in spite of Nietzsche, be attained by non-attachment to all material desires.

Does the Church believe in things that do not exist? Unlike Nietzsche, the Twofold Path sees the Father Within---which can be reached by way of the Involutionary Inward Path---as the symbolic-experience of the Godhood reached in the Evolutionary Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution to real Godhood in the cosmos. This brings real dignity back to nature, back to life, and even back to religion. This can heal the fissure between religion and science, but both science and religion need to affirm the sacred activation of evolving life to Godhood.  And this can move forward with conservative reform rather than revolution.

When I say that the living object is more important than the definition of the object this, for me, bridges various philosophical and religious gaps, for example, in analytical and continental philosophy, which then leads to a philosophical sociobiology in line with naturalism, but this then is taken forward to theological materialism, the new synthesizing religious philosophy.

It is not Nietzsche's “will-to-power” alone that is the base of natural man, it is the activating Spirit-Will-To-Godhood which exhumes religion from the graveyard Nietzsche put it in, and gives a sacred goal and direction to the material will-to-power, beyond where individual, relativistic, earth-centered supermen might want to exploit it, yet it retains the old Inward God for symbolic reasons.

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