Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Answering Nietzsche's Group Problem

To be healthy, morality and human values need to work in harmony with nature, with sociobiology. Morality is not merely a completely relative will-to-power, as Nietzsche seems to have thought it was in his dismissing morality for not relating to Nature. Nietzsche's concept of immorality is also a concept free of nature since morality is very much a part of nature in helping group-selection.

I see Nietzsche's project as mainly an attempt to affirm the great genius creators over everyone and everything else, missing the basic importance of group-selection which is necessary to allow geniuses to survive and prosper. I think Raymond Cattell had a better grasp of this in understanding that the task of society and evolution is to tell the difference between social and anti-social geniuses, and not to denigrate group-values.

The ECC project is to update Hegel and Darwin. To make evolution and history part of religion. To revitalize Christianity and religion in general. To give a moral answer to Nietzsche and his follower’s immorality. To bring back philosophical naturalism to philosophy and religion by way of theological materialism. To bring religion and science together. To bring evolutionary realism  to art. To affirm the object over the concept of the object. To re-position the Outward Path over the Inward Path while keeping both. To affirm that all life is evolving to Godhood, not from Godhood. To have the ethos of evolution involved in morality in general.  And to affirm the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis in political philosophy..... Constructive help in this is not turned down.

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