In thinking about how Jurgen Habermas has tried to philosophically
deal with what has been missing since the Enlightenment began to
reject faith and religion---(see “An Unawareness of What Is
Missing” By J. Karpowicz in “Modern Age,” Winter 2014)---I think
Habermas should be given credit for this since many modern thinkers don't
seem to see anything missing.
Habermas wants the religious side of life to accept the authority
of natural reason, while secular reason must not judge the truths of
faith. Christianity has found a way to do this (Thomism), but not Islam which
seems to subordinate all of life to the sacred law of sharia, and not
by reason (although I could see their idea of high reasoning more
like the Gnostic “nous,” or Holy Spirit).
But the reason of Habermas, like Enlightenment reason, has no God-goal or faith in reaching
Godhood to which human virtues can be directed, so Habermas loses the
idea of the classical virtues of high truth, goodness and beauty in
religio-philosophy, which seems to lead only to following along with
the Enlightenment goals of avoiding pain, and seeking pleasure,
individualism, success in this world, etc.
Here is the way my religious philosophy answers Habermas:
The Spirit-Will can aid in
keeping the passions and desires in check, and the
evolutionary virtues can be involved in ennobling human beings as we
evolve toward the zenith of truth, goodness and beauty, which is
Godhood, rather than pursuing only the Enlightenment goals of
avoiding pain, and seeking pleasure, individualism, success in this
world, etc.
Faith is retained in the faith we have in reaching the highest
goal of the activating Spirit-Will, which is Godhood, and the faith
we have in the direction of the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood. Natural Law
can be retained in following the order of nature and the drive to
successful survival and reproduction, which leads to the zenith of
the success of these things at the zenith of evolution, which is
Godhood. Outside natural selection and evolution help shape the sacred activation of life from within.
But the Spirit-Will-To-Godhood must not be confounded with the
Soul or Mind-Soul, which in human beings is found by non-attachment
to passions and desires so as to dwell in the Mind-Soul only, the
Father Within, the God Within, which needs to be seen as only a
symbolic-experience of the Godhood reached in material/supermaterial
evolution. The path to the Mind-Soul can be reached in the
Involutionary Inward Path which needs to be synthesized with the
Evolutionary Outward Path to real Godhood. This defines the
Twofold Path, which can join the divided world.
We don't have to separate reason into practical and contemplative,
or into nous, logos and phronesis, as the Greeks and their followers did, practical reason
regarding survival and evolution on earth can be used in social
strategies, but social strategies lead to thinking about ways to
reach ultimate success in the natural order, which is the
Godhood-goal of the Spirit-Will.
Modern living can become involved with religious living as we
arrange our social structures (which can include democracy and
humanism) and seek social virtues directed toward our continual
evolution to the highest truth, goodness and beauty, and ultimately
Godhood, which is the zenith of the virtues and the zenith of life in
the cosmos. Faith and reason, religion and science can this way be joined in the modern
world replacing what has been missing since the Enlightenment.