Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unifying conservative order and progressive evolution: reform over revolution

Speculating on future reform---which is always preferred over revolution---suggests that elite scientists of sociobiology and psychometrics would not rule democracies with elite technocratic dictatorships, but would be utilized by democracies to help guide the evolution of man toward Godhood. Why would we prefer to go to non-doctors or non-automobile mechanics to fix our problems? Evolutionary religion and the church would also not rule with theocracies but would guide and give solace within democracies. Reform not revolution is also philosophically seen in in the theological materialism of the TC, which synthesizes the Inward Path to the Inward God, first seen within tradition, with the Outward Path of material/supermaterial evolution to real Godhood in the cosmos.

Order is defined as Ordered Evolution and not as the ordered but almost total freedom of the libertarians, since there is a sacred evolutionary goal within the order. Present and future generations are both important considerations because evolutionary change requires the order and the time of the present generations to find and select desired real improvements, genetic and otherwise, for future generations. Free choice remains but there are obligations of the present generations toward future evolution.

The U. S. Constitution with its separation of powers and states would be a good territorial configuration for the variety of states that could accommodate the Ethnopluralism Hypothesis, which real evolution prefers, and here too reform rather than revolution applies. Civil disturbances even civil war become more likely if we try to change basic human nature and force homogeneity upon distinctly different people and territories. And the world seems to be going in this natural direction of separation and the devolution of  large empires, as it always has in the past.

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