Monday, April 07, 2014

Modern culture does not relate well to real human nature and ultimate causes, why?

“Proximate causes,” such as universal equality, are confounded with “ultimate causes,” such as group survival and reproductive success. Long evolved behavior is subject to misinformation and corruption by culture. The human mind and its cultural creations ultimately had and continue to have survival as their design or purpose, but with political correctness (cultural Marxism) proximate causes are confounded with ultimate causes and ulitimate causes are virtually banished.

Sociobiology and Evolutionary Psychology may one day turn this around, if they themselves can avoid political correctness. E.O. Wilson called for sociobiology to enter the Humanities forty years ago, but not much progress has been made. Postmodernism rules our colleges and universities, with its proximate causes for everything. This still needs to be turned around.

Then the sacred cause of evolving materially and supermaterially to Godhood in the cosmos can enter the worldview; but here sociobiology and evolutionary psychology will need to see beyond proximate causes and ultimate causes to sacred causes.

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