Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Private and Public Morality and Hollywood

What Hollywood especially likes to do is take beautiful, innocent, young actresses from the hinterlands and gradually, sadistically, encourage them to play low-lifes and prostitutes, and then lavish them with awards for their debasement. There is something especially vile about this, it has gone on for many years in Hollywood, and it is repeated with each rising actress---the list is long.

Nietzsche thought vice was not a cause but an effect of some sort of physiological degeneration. In any case, a healthy culture would not put up with Hollywood. The usual defense of the right to private expression and private morality does not trump public morality, group selection is still the central unit of selection. Not licentious individualism or tribal choseness should be free to destroy the health of a culture.

Curbing Hollywood will not be easy of course since virtually the entire media, and their unctuous lawyers, support Hollywood. If in the future our country returns to or separates into a constitutionally valid ethnopluralism equivalent to our present regions and states, then the rights of the states could better curb the  monopoly of Hollywood.  California could then, unfortunately, debauch itself and the public as it pleases.

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