Thursday, November 07, 2013

When the identity of any people is taken away

When the identity of any people is taken away we can end up with what someone once called a cultural sewer. This has been happening to the West exponentially. Who or what causes the identity of a people to be taken away? The worst betrayers of a people are often its own people, for example, various global capitalist's have been willing to sell-out their own people for personal power and cash. And various immigrant groups have also trashed the cultural identity of their hosts to expand their own, natural, wills-to-power.

In all fairness various forms of imperialism or supremacism, or the dominance of one ethnic group over others, internally or externally, needs to be replaced with ethnopluralism, which can be the savior of all people, all groups, on this crowded planet. Rather than spending all our time trying to unravel all the cunning causes of the decline of our identity, we can cut the Gordian Knot and simply promote our own identities again, this time with ethnopluralism---the enemies will then present themselves. This is the future social and political structure that best reflects actual human nature. We need to be working on how to make the cooperative competition, or discordant concord, of ethnopluralism work. For example, it seems to me that the Constitution of the United States, with its separation of powers and states, could legally harmonize with ethnopluralism.

The natural inclination has always been for species to continually divide into separate sub-species and then evolve into separate species. Human nature has continually presented itself throughout human history as being kin-centered, gender defined, age-grading, heterosexual marriage-making, hierarchical, ethnocentric, even xenophobic, and religious-making, with group-selection as the primary unit of selection. Ethnopluralism can finally accommodate what we all actually are. Civil strife would be greatly reduced, the inevitable  internal civil war between different ethnic groups can be prevented, identities can be restored. What's not to like about that solution?

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