Saturday, November 09, 2013

The desire to transcend the living object

The false duality of the desire to transcend the living object perhaps stems from the desire to transcend death. It seems to me that it is here where the split begins between the spiritual and material, which has caused unreality in religion and philosophy.

The other confusion in transcending the living object has been with the God-Within or the Father Within, which has been seen as transcending the material world, when the experience of the Father Within happens within the material soul-brain-mind of human beings.

When Godhood is seen as an object, a supermaterial living object, or objects, attained at the zenith of human evolution, and when the Father Within is seen as a symbolic-experience of what Godhood will be like when attained in evolution, then the fears and false splits between the material and spiritual can be unblocked.

We can feel sympathy for the attempts over the centuries to understand life and death, and to alleviate suffering, because we are limited by our humanness, but future evolution can bring increasing intelligence and understanding. Matter is said to have “boundaries” in relation to a fanciful spirituality, which supposedly is not bound by death or by the material world. The truth is that matter seems to be only limited by its level of evolution. The Godhood we have been seeking for many centuries is found in material and supermaterial evolution.

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