Saturday, November 16, 2013

Consciousness and spiritual awareness as dependent on physical bodies

If consciousness is stored experience, as someone once put it, we may not always have the wisest stored experience to “let ones conscious rule” regarding our future. Consciousness in religion needs to be seen as dependent on physical bodies, spiritual awareness takes place within physical bodies.

Virginia Ross discussed the brain's religious experiences in Zygon a few years ago suggesting that the transcendence-function was probably happening with the integration or equilibration of the cerebral hemispheres, and also involving pathways in the limbic system and brain-stem. The state of “unity” perhaps happens in the supratemporal-parietal-limbic areas of the right brain.

This relates to the Soul at the zenith of the brain-mind where the Father Within, the God Within is experienced in the Involutionary Inward Path of traditional religions, and also seen in the Twofold Path of the ECC, aided by ascetically blocking material desires.

New bodes of experience beyond the death of the body? Very doubtful, but we can evolve materially and supermaterially to new dimensions of existence. Beneath consciousness, or at the symbolic zenith of the Soul in the brain is the activating drive of life, the Spirit-Will, and here is where we can better relate to the sacred task of evolving to real Godhood in the Evolutionary Outward Path, shaped by outside evolution. Here material desires are refined in evolution rather than blocked.

This is how Godhood relates to physical or superphysical evolved bodies, as does consciousness. This is the change in religious perspective needed, which can revive religion.

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